Farzeen Nadeem
In Pakistan’s long history of suffering, the derailment of the Jaffer Express in Balochistan is more than just another tragic headline; it is a vicious, premeditated act of war against the country’s very existence. The attack serves as a sobering reminder of the forces that are working nonstop to damage Pakistan, leaving innocent civilians dead, families broken, and the country in mourning. A complex conspiracy involving India and Afghanistanwho have long attempted to destabilize Pakistan through their proxies, such as the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), is behind this horrible act. These outside forces, motivated by their own self-serving goals, are determined to impede Pakistan’s development, damage its economy, and diminish its strategic importance.
However, the tragedy doesn’t stop there. PTI supporters in Pakistan have turned the incident into a weapon and started an ugly propaganda campaign against the Pakistan Army, further dividing the country at a time when unity is crucial. Pakistan’s enemies are benefiting greatly from this internal strife, which is being stoked by political grudges. The Jaffer Express attack is a complex assault on Pakistan’sstability, and future that goes beyond simple terrorism.
The Jaffer Express, a representation of hope and connectedness for the people of Balochistan, was turned into an unthinkable horror on that fateful day. A powerful explosion caused the train, which was transporting people from Quetta to Peshawer, to derail, leaving survivors screaming in agony, bodies scattered across the tracks, and mangled carriages. The BLA, a militant organization well-known for its separatist goals, proudly boasted about its involvement in this heinous act and took credit for the attack. The history of Balochistan is one of honor, bravery, and tenacity. The Baloch people have a long and honorable history of resisting oppression and defending their rights. Sardars and Baloch leaders fiercely resisted the British Army during the British colonial era, refusing to submit to foreign authority. History is replete with examples of Baloch bravery and defiance, such as Mir Chakar Khan Rind, Mir Mehrab Khan, and Nauroz Khan. These leaders fought for their people’s freedom and dignity, not for their own benefit.
But now, groups like the BLA have tarnished this illustrious heritage. They target unarmed daily wagers who travel from other provinces to Balochistan in order to make a living, rather than advocating for the rights of the Baloch people. These laborers, who frequently come from the most impoverished areas of society, abandon their families to labor in difficult conditions, aiding in Balochistan’s development. However, the BLA, a group that has completely lost all ties to the values of Baloch tradition, responds to them with violence and brutality.
For centuries, the Baloch people have been renowned for their warmth and compassion. A disgrace to the Baloch culture of greeting and honoring visitors, the BLA’s actions are a betrayal of this tradition. The BLA is destroying Balochistan’s future and tarnishing its glorious past by attacking innocent workers.
Let us not be misled, though. The BLA is a mercenaries force under control by outside powers with vested interests in Pakistan’s destruction; it is not an autonomous entity fighting for a cause. This attack aimed not only at killing innocent people but also at conveying a message to Pakistan and the world: Balochistan, a province rich in resources and strategic relevance, is a battlefield for foreign powers trying to challenge Pakistan’s sovereignty. The fingerprints of Afghanistanand India abound on this attack. Under the cover of democracy and human rights, these countries have been aggressively supporting terrorist organizations like the BLA to cause upheaval of Pakistan. Their clear goals are to undermine Pakistan’s economy, damage the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and cause anarchy in an area of great geopolitical importance.
India’s part in troubling Pakistan is well known. India’s covert operations in Balochistan were revealed when Indian spy KulbhushanJadhav was arrested there in 2016. Jadhav admitted to providing money and weapons to separatist organizations like the BLA with specific intention of inciting disturbance in Balochistan. RAW, India’s intelligence agency, has been charged with arming and training BLA fighters with tools to carry out operations akin to the one on the Jaffer Express. India’s intentions are obvious. A crucial part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the Gwadar Port is located in Balochistan and has the potential to revolutionize Pakistan’s economy and raise its stature internationally. India wants to derail CPEC, scare off foreign investors, and cause instability in the region by backing the BLA. The future of millions of Pakistanis who stand to gain from this revolutionary project is being attacked, not just Pakistan.
Afghanistan was complicit in Pakistan’s destabilization under its previous administration. Militant organizations like the BLA have long taken advantage of the porous border between the two nations, using Afghan territory as a base from which to organize and carry out attacks in Pakistan. The Afghan government ignored the BLA militants’ presence on its territory and permitted them to operate with impunity in spite of Pakistan’s repeated requests.
In addition to betraying Pakistan, this complicity betrays the Afghan people, who have also suffered greatly at the hands of terrorism. Afghanistan has become complicit in the violence by permitting its territory to be used as a base of operations for attacks against a neighbor.
Internal factors are stoking the flames while outside forces continue to plot against Pakistan. PTI supporters, who have begun an awful propaganda campaign against the Pakistan Army, have used the Jaffer Express incident as their rallying point. Conspiracy theories and unfounded accusations abound on social media, accusing the military of incompetence and even complicity in the attack. The military has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the security of the country, from Operation Zarb-e-Azb to the current efforts to secure Balochistan. However, the very institution that serves as a safeguard against both internal and external threats is being undermined by PTI supporters motivated by political grudges.
Their propaganda is a gift to Pakistan’s adversaries in addition to being disrespectful of the military’s sacrifices. PTI supporters are undermining Pakistan from within by disseminating false information and stoking anti-army sentiment, which is precisely what India and Afghanistandesire. Since it undermines the unity and fortitude Pakistan needs to overcome its obstacles, this internal strife poses a bigger threat to the country than any outside influence. The Jaffer Express attack serves as a sobering reminder of Pakistan’s difficulties. It demonstrates the extent to which outside forces will go in order to thwart the nation’s advancement. However, it also serves as a call to action for all Pakistanis. Political point-scoring and division are not appropriate at this time. Now is the moment for solidarity, fortitude, and steadfast support of the institutions that safeguard the country.
Although Pakistan’s adversaries are strong, they are not unbeatable. The country will overcome this obstacle, just as it has overcome innumerable others. But it must stand together to do so. Pakistanis must support their armed forces, reject outside agendas, and see through propaganda. Only then will the country be able to stop its enemies’ plans and keep moving forward on its path to growth and prosperity.
The blood of the Jaffer Express victims cries out for justice. Let us honor their memory by standing together, stronger than ever, in the face of adversity. Pakistan’s future depends on it. The world must know that Pakistan will not be broken — not by external conspiracies, not by internal discord, and not by the forces of darkness that seek to destroy it. Pakistan will rise, and it will prevail.
Farzeen nadeem
2025-03-17 01:11:31